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HeadGarbage's Mission Statement

This site exists for one sole reason. Some may say it's a waste of time and/or a poor attempt at stupid humor. That's fine. But way too many people are so miserable and I refuse to be one of them. These are things that I think about and I think are funny. These are things that make me laugh. I hope some of it makes you laugh too. Life is way too short to walk around being pissed off all the time. If you can’t laugh at some of the stupid and ridiculous stuff that exists in this world, what’s the point?! I hope the content of this site, which stems from the ridiculousness of the world we're in, can help in some small way to help take the edge off an otherwise stressful life. As a wise man once said,"We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!" I think that was Gandhi? Live, LAUGH, Love...And enjoy your daily dose of HeadGarbage. Come back often and tell your friends so that HG can grow big and strong!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Old, You're Young...I Hate You!

Some would say that picking on old people is easy.  I totally agree, so here we go.  It's unfortunate that a lot of old people dislike young people simply because they're young.  They'll try to disguise their dislike with a complaint that in their mind legitimises the discontent, like "Their pants are too baggy", "They have all those piercings and tattoos!" or "They play their music too loud!", but if they were honest they would say, "I'm mad at you because you have your whole life ahead of you, and I eat dinner at 4PM."

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